Macarena Recuerda (Španjolska/Spain) – The Watching Machine

Predmeti iz 19. stoljeća koji su putem ogledala i kapaka stvarali iluzije bili su nazvani Strojevi za promatranje. U radu The Watching Machine “stroj” je sama pozornica. Ondje se igramo sa svjetlom, sjenama i odrazima kako bismo iskusili što je to iluzija, što reprezentacija, a što kazališna konvencija. Djelo je sastavljeno od malih instalacija u kojima su svjetlo i sjene fikcionalizirani kroz optičke iluzije.
Originalna ideja/original Idea: Macarena Recuerda
Autorski tim/creation: Miriam Ubanet, Ana da Graça, Jorge Dutor, Macarena Recuerda
Izvođačica/performer: Lidia Zoilo González
Dizajn svjetla/ligthing design: Miriam Ubanet y Ana da Graça
Tehničar/technician: Georgi Georgiev Udrenov
Zahvale/acknowledgements: Conchita Pons y Enara Aranbide
Molimo isključite mobitele. Please, switch off your mobile phone.
Zabranjeno fotografiranje i snimanje. No photography or video.
Macarena Recuerda Shepherd is trained in performing arts, theatre and dance. Although she has a degree from the Institut del Teatre, what really interests her are participatory projects that aim to create new forms of encounter with art. Since 2012 her research revolves around the role of the spectator. She invents new spaces to play, create and think in company. Her research is divided into two lines of work, one line of research on language on stage, and the other on participatory and pedagogical spaces. She has carried out different projects in collaboration with the artists Sofía Asencio, Idurre Azkue, David Franch, Txalo Toloza and Vicente Arlandis.
Macarena Recuerda Shepherd educirala se za izvedbene umjetnosti, kazalište i ples. Iako je diplomirala na Institutu del Teatre, posebno je zanimaju participativni projekti koji za cilj imaju stvaranje novih oblika susreta s umjetnošću. Od 2012. istraživanje joj je fokusirano na ulogu gledatelja. Ona izmišlja nove prostore za igru, stvaranje i promišljanje u društvu. Njezino je istraživanje podijeljeno u dva segmenta – istraživanje jezika na pozornici te participativnih i pedagoških prostora. U suradnji s umjetnicima Sofíom Asencio, Idurreom Azkueom, Davidom Franchom, Txalom Tolozom i Vicenteom Arlandisom realizirala je različite projekte.
The Watching Machine was the name given to those 19th century objects that created illusions through mirrors and shutters. In the piece The Watching Machine, “the machine” is the stage box itself. In it we play with light, shadows and reflections to experience what is illusion, what is representation and what is theatrical convention. The piece is composed of small installations where light and shadows are fictionalized through optical illusions.